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Commercial Log Buildings

Norwegian Log’s log cabins, garden buildings and bespoke log enclosures are perfect for commercial use.

Our easy-to-build and ‘easy to let’ holiday cabins come in a huge range of sizes and styles to suit your leisure site. The highly insulated, durable cabins can also be used elsewhere on-site if you’re looking for a smart new visitor reception, toilet/shower block, laundry facility or on-site shop.

And if you’re looking for a space in which to base your business, our garden offices provide excellent, comfortable workspaces, or pick from one of our garden rooms for your garden salon, studio or clinic.

The very same Norwegian Log qualities are built into our much larger commercial buildings, which include swimming pool enclosures, farm shops, cafés, reception areas and visitor centres.

Choose a category below to browse our holiday homes and retail and leisure cabins.

It's warm and it's cosy; it's solid and it's quiet. The fragrance of pine reminds you of Scandinavian forests and summer evenings. Your imagination starts to take you places. You imagine a wood burner, perhaps a desk or why not just some space to think?

Our show home is 36 years old, yet customers still say it looks and feels brand new. That's the quality of our workmanship and the materials. When you step into a Norwegian Log building you're stepping into a feeling and just like our buildings it's one that will last.

Visit our showroom