How to make your home office more ‘koselig’ this winter. The Norwegian trend to follow if you work from home

Blog - 20/12/17

Contemp Side With Doors Closed

Koselig is the on-trend Norwegian word that describes a feeling of wellbeing and contentment. It is also the PERFECT vibe for creating a cosy and efficient home work space over the winter months.

Many of us striving for a better work/life balance, choose to work from home. And embracing koselig (pronounced coo-seh-lay) in your own personal home work space could be a very wise move, helping to boost productivity and cut stress. Despite its long dark days – in some parts the sun does not rise at all in winter - Norway is often voted the happiest country in the world, so what better nation to turn to for advice. 

Here’s our five practical steps to help you bring a bit of koselig into your home office:

  1. The use of natural wood is key, and what could be more Norwegian than a log cabin? Log buildings are renowned for being warm and cosy, having friendly acoustics, and a relaxing ambience and aroma. Setting up a home office in a log garden building is ideal; many do not need planning permission and are surprisingly affordable. They can also add value to your home and be used as a spare room or chill out space. Design your perfect garden office here.
  2. For the koselig look and feel in an office in your spare room, opt for Scandi-style wooden floors, wooden wall panels or even shelving units. Wooden desks, the larger the better, can make a space less formal, and a desk lamp adds visual warmth and comfort. 
  3. Home offices need not be surgical, all-white and cold spaces; pick colourful accessories, such as noticeboards or desk tidies, and use strong, contemporary graphics on walls or textiles. If you have space, add a comfortable chair or sofa, large cushions and even a textured throw or two. Ideal for impromptu meetings and the perfect spot for taking regular screen breaks with a cuppa.
  4. Office plants are now back in trend and, if you select cacti or succulents, they can be easy-care whilst making a space look far less formal. They can also help improve air quality.
  5. Remember to take regular outdoor exercise no matter what the weather. Getting outside for a 20-minute stroll, cycle or run will release your endorphins, helping to lower stress levels naturally and give you a wellbeing boost.

Nick Forester of Norwegian Log Buildings, said: “Despite the long dark days, the Norwegians look forward to embracing the koselig mindset over winter, so perhaps it is time more of us consider it for where we work too? This means at home for a growing number of people, either in an office at the end of the garden or in the spare room. Luckily, you can easily recreate a koselig vibe no matter where you work.”

It's warm and it's cosy; it's solid and it's quiet. The fragrance of pine reminds you of Scandinavian forests and summer evenings. Your imagination starts to take you places. You imagine a wood burner, perhaps a desk or why not just some space to think?

Our show home is 36 years old, yet customers still say it looks and feels brand new. That's the quality of our workmanship and the materials. When you step into a Norwegian Log building you're stepping into a feeling and just like our buildings it's one that will last.

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