New Year’s resolutions – have you pledged to improve your work-life balance?

Blog - 06/01/17

Acupunture 1

Millions of us make them and, of those who do, 88% apparently break them. January marks the time for us to make our New Year’s resolutions, listing how we’re going to improve our lives over the next 12 months.

The ancient Babylonians were the first to use a form of New Year’s resolution around 4,000 years ago, pledging to their pagan gods to pay their debts. Romans also used a similar practice, offering sacrifices and making promises of good conduct.

Spending more time with family and friends, enhancing personal well-being and improving work-life balance are all cited as being amongst the modern-day, top New Year’s resolutions

Here at Norwegian Log, one of the many enjoyable parts of our job is helping our customers improve the quality of their day-to-day lives. “I love visiting customers once we’ve delivered or built their log building, to see them enjoying it and the difference it’s made to how they spend their days,” said Nick Forrester of Norwegian Log.

Don’t just take our word for it. Acupuncturist and mum of two Cristina Lopez-Pascual (pictured above) is the proud owner of a Norwegian Log Contemporary style solid log building, sited in her own back garden, from which she runs Earley Acupuncture Clinic. “If I have a cancellation or an hour or two between appointments, I can pop back into the house to do some housework, take a break or go for a walk. I can really make the most of my time,” she said. 

Simon and Berny Boyd now run their successful events company from a Norwegian Log contemporary garden office, having ditched their daily commute and office overheads. Simon said: “We are no more than 30 paces from the back door and we are already saving on costs such as petrol, rent, rates, phone and electricity. It’s such a nice place to work and so quiet. We’re also positive we’ve increased the value of our house.” 

And customers Roger White and Christina Gray are really reaping the positive benefits of living in a traditional solid log mobile home on their Mendip farm land.  “It’s always been our dream to have a self-sufficient retreat, and thanks to Norwegian Log we’ve achieved our aim. We couldn’t be more delighted with the whole project,” says Roger.

If improving work-life balance is on your list of resolutions, then check out our range of solid log home offices and transportable homes - and perhaps we can help you become one of the 12% of people who keep their New Year’s pledge.

The Boyds relaxing next to their solid log garden office
The Boyds relaxing next to their solid log garden office

It's warm and it's cosy; it's solid and it's quiet. The fragrance of pine reminds you of Scandinavian forests and summer evenings. Your imagination starts to take you places. You imagine a wood burner, perhaps a desk or why not just some space to think?

Our show home is 36 years old, yet customers still say it looks and feels brand new. That's the quality of our workmanship and the materials. When you step into a Norwegian Log building you're stepping into a feeling and just like our buildings it's one that will last.

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