The surprising reason customers really love our buildings

Our range - 03/05/17

Contemporary 11

Talk to our customers and there is one extremely common remark they make about our log buildings.

For those of you not in the know – or should we say nose - it may also be a slightly surprising observation and not one usually associated with a building

It is of course the smell. You can virtually guarantee, anyone who owns or spends time in a solid log building adores the aroma. Michele Tomlin says of her Norwegian Log farmhouse: “When people visit, the first thing they say when they come through the door is they love the smell of the log.”

Acupuncturist Cristina says of her Norwegian Log clinic, her customers love “the smell of the wood”. Osteopath David Reynolds explains his building still has the affect on his patients and it’s over a decade old: “After 12 years they still comment on the fresh aroma of the wood."

Some customers go one step further. Pre-school manager Zoe Crabb, whose busy children’s nurser was housed in a Norwegian Log building, says: “The use of wood definitely has a calming effect. People would also say they loved the smell of the Norwegian log.”

So why do log buildings have that impact? Well there appears to be an element of scientific fact behind what we and our customers are saying. Scientists at Kyoto University found the popular Japanese pastime of Shinrin-yoku, or forest-air bathing, significantly lowered people’s stress levels, so much so they recommended forests should be viewed as therapeutic landscapes.

Log is a beautiful material to build with, and to look at, and so when we construct our buildings, there is no need for internal cladding or plaster boarding. The wood can therefore breath as nature intended and the relaxing scent is freely available for everyone’s benefit.

If you’d like to visit our Reading showroom to see - and smell – our building range, please contact us.

It's warm and it's cosy; it's solid and it's quiet. The fragrance of pine reminds you of Scandinavian forests and summer evenings. Your imagination starts to take you places. You imagine a wood burner, perhaps a desk or why not just some space to think?

Our show home is 36 years old, yet customers still say it looks and feels brand new. That's the quality of our workmanship and the materials. When you step into a Norwegian Log building you're stepping into a feeling and just like our buildings it's one that will last.

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