Log cabins: Why heating bills can be a worry – of the past!

Blog - 23/04/18

Canterbury Cabin Snow

As energy bills hit the doormat after our recent harsh winter, most people will be worried about the high cost of having kept the heating on.

That’s not the case for customers living or working in a Norwegian Log building – and here’s why…

Log has high levels of natural insulation helping to keep energy costs low throughout the year, so cosily warm in the winter but also pleasantly cool in the summer. Speak to our customers and it’s one of the first things they will mention!

Take John and Lizzie Hopthrow from near Canterbury. They’ve recently moved into a two-bedroom log cabin annex and were so impressed with the performance of the building over the winter, they took this photograph above to show how well insulated it is. Note the amount of snow on the cabin’s roof compared to the less efficient brick house next door which is leaking heat.

John said: “It’s very comfortable and so beautifully warm. We had been living in a caravan for three years while we waited for planning permission, so we’d had to use winter duvets on our beds and electric blankets. This winter, in our new log home, we used only our summer duvets. We have never lived in a dwelling so draught-free. The windows are also much more efficient than standard British glazing, so heat loss is far less through those too.” 

Customers Rosemary and John Young have found they only need their log burner to heat their cabin during the winter. “It’s so cosy and warm,” said Rosemary.

Ian and Mary Fisher say the same. They fitted electric heaters but have found the only heat source they need to use their large two-bedroom cabin is their log burner.   

Working in a log building also has its warmth benefits which is why they are often used for home clinics. Acupuncturist Cristina says her clients love the cosiness of her log cabin clinic, and osteopath David Reynolds, whose Norwegian Log cabin is over 12 years old, said: “It’s warm in winter and very cost effective to heat, and cool in the summer, so absolutely ideal for what we need.”

So, if you’re thinking about an annex, home office, garden room or similar, and worrying about running costs, why not take the heat out of the decision and choose a solid log building. 

It's warm and it's cosy; it's solid and it's quiet. The fragrance of pine reminds you of Scandinavian forests and summer evenings. Your imagination starts to take you places. You imagine a wood burner, perhaps a desk or why not just some space to think?

Our show home is 36 years old, yet customers still say it looks and feels brand new. That's the quality of our workmanship and the materials. When you step into a Norwegian Log building you're stepping into a feeling and just like our buildings it's one that will last.

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