Work it out! Five reasons a home gym makes sense

Blog - 07/05/19

Home Gym

Want to get fit, but not keen on joining a regular gym? Do you fork out on an expensive gym membership each month, but find excuses not to visit?

We know where you're coming from. Why not join the home gym revolution, and discover the benefits of working out on your own doorstep? Here are Norwegian Log's top five reasons why it makes good sense to work out at home:

  • It's convenient

    Using your own gym means you can exercise when you want in the comfort and privacy of your own home. There’s zero travel involved, you can work out or relax to your own taste in music and there’s no need to pre-book.

    You can kit out your gym or yoga studio to look like the real thing too. A wide of range of equipment is easily available to buy, from a simple punch bag or yoga mat to sophisticated running machines and cross-trainers. Check out some great equipment here.

  • It can save you money - and make you money!

    Brits waste £37 million a year on unused gym membership. If you’re one of the thousands who pay out each month for a costly membership that you rarely use, but you want to get fit, investing in your own garden gym could work for you.

    A custom-built space in which to exercise can also be a wise financial move if you ever plan to sell your home. Property experts claim gyms can add between 5 and 7 per cent to a house price and could get a house sale moving.  

    Norwegian Log’s stylish Scandinavian-style buildings are made of high quality solid log with bi-fold doors as standard on contemporary designs – all on-trend features that are proving popular in today’s property market. With sizes from 5m x 3m, the firm’s log buildings are ideal for complete home gyms, with options for shower facilities and even a spa.

  • It could be the perfect environment for your work-out

    Working out and cooling down in a calm environment is imperative if you want to make the most of your fitness regime. Therefore, a gym space comprised of natural materials is ideal.

    Norwegian Log’s range has effective natural insulation that keeps a gym naturally cool in the summer and cosy in winter, and the beneficial acoustic qualities of log mean noise is kept to a minimum. Perfect for a quiet space in which to relax or meditate.

  • It's a 'flexible' space

    For many, spare space at home is limited, so a brilliant solution is a garden room gym. 

    A draught-free garden gym, just yards from your own back door, can double up as a chill-out zone, music room, art studio or even a spare sleepover space when relatives stay. The choice is yours…

    Norwegian Log offers a range of traditional and contemporary style gyms that can be conveniently sited in your garden. Many styles do not require planning permission and delivery can be within weeks.
  • One of our customers, Lorraine Rich, said: “I wanted a gym, space for entertaining and a playroom – our garden room does it all. We were even able to have a tool store attached. It looks delightfully elegant, yet it’s so strong and solid.”
  • It's somewhere to have fun

    If fitness is truly your thing, then what could be more fun than having your own gym?

    Warm up and down with a stroll across the garden, invite your friends over for a Pilates session - and most importantly - enjoy the space!

Read more about Norwegian Log's garden gym range.

      It's warm and it's cosy; it's solid and it's quiet. The fragrance of pine reminds you of Scandinavian forests and summer evenings. Your imagination starts to take you places. You imagine a wood burner, perhaps a desk or why not just some space to think?

      Our show home is 36 years old, yet customers still say it looks and feels brand new. That's the quality of our workmanship and the materials. When you step into a Norwegian Log building you're stepping into a feeling and just like our buildings it's one that will last.

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