Our new ‘calming’ home designed around our son’s needs and the whole family is now benefitting


“If we ever had to leave the farm, I’d want another log cabin exactly like this,” insists Marisa who is sat in her gorgeous open plan kitchen next to her dad Robin. “It’s really difficult to express just how life changing this has been.”

The cabin in question is a stunning four-bedroom log annex, home to Marisa, husband Jason, and their two teenage sons. Located on her parents 80-acre family farm in Surrey with picturesque views across neighbouring fields, it is sited just across the garden from the main farmhouse where her dad Robin, mum Jacqui and sister Tracey live.

Their youngest son has additional needs and family life before their recent move to the log cabin had been difficult. “My son is disabled, and we were living nearby in a terraced house, sadly our home was not able to be adapted to suit his needs. The stairs were not safe for him, the noises from the neighbours caused him stress, and his safety was a huge concern because he could have just wandered out the front door,” she explains. “We looked at bungalows, but, as we live in Surrey, they were beyond us.”

“Dad had seen a Norwegian Log cabin featured in a magazine and suggested we go and visit. As we were going on holiday to the Cotswolds, we went to meet Ed in Reading en route to see the showhome. As soon as we saw it we were wowed not only by the cabin but also the feel of it, the calmness and cosiness,” she explained.

With their decision made and a cabin style chosen, Marisa set about helping to design the interior layout bespoke to their family’s needs, with a clear focus on future-proofing for her son.

The next step was gaining planning permission. “To be honest I thought it was all a bit of a pipe dream, that planning would be an issue,” she admits. But as the land has been used as a garden, and Norwegian Log’s cabins are transportable, the Atkins were able to gain a Certificate of Lawful Use for their family annex from the local planning authority, and the project could begin.

“It was really lovely for the boys to be part of it, seeing the construction of their future home,” says Marisa. Seven months after the Norwegian Log team started on site, the cabin was ready to move into.

Their new, one-level home has transformed how they live. Both her sons now have spacious bedrooms, and the fourth bedroom is a used as a therapy room where her youngest son can retreat when he needs time to himself, Marisa is also able to support her son with his therapies in the private space away from the family. A walk-in shower in the master bedroom’s ensuite is accessible for all, and every cupboard in the kitchen is within easy reach. The spacious home also boasts a large sitting room, kitchen/dining room, utility and family bathroom.

“The difference for our youngest son has been dramatic, both for his well-being and also physically because he’s not tied to our old home. He can take his dog for a walk in the garden here, he’s less stressed. Our son is much calmer and that has had a dramatic impact on our day-to-day lives.

“We can walk away and leave him with Mum and Dad as we know he’s safe. I sleep better because I don’t have to worry about our son’s safety on the stairs. I hadn’t realised how badly I had been sleeping until we moved into the cabin. And the fact this cabin doesn’t need decorating is really good too. It stays the same which is another calming factor for him. Plus there’s very little dust and it’s really easy to clean.”

Her eldest son is also benefitting as he can spend time with his grandparents. “When it gets too much at home, he can go off to see them next door and he has a Lego room set up in their farmhouse which he loves,” she says.

Her parents are enjoying the company too, as Robin explains: “It’s so good to have family around. The cabin is magnificent, it’s such a good set up.”

“Thank you so much to Norwegian Log,” adds Marisa. “They don’t just leave site and disappear, they are always there to answer any questions or give advice. I messaged them the other day about some patio steps we were having built up to the cabin, and they came right back with a response. I think these days it’s become the norm to be let down. Well Norwegian Log did not let us down once. They have been brilliant, absolutely first class.”

It's warm and it's cosy; it's solid and it's quiet. The fragrance of pine reminds you of Scandinavian forests and summer evenings. Your imagination starts to take you places. You imagine a wood burner, perhaps a desk or why not just some space to think?

Our show home is 35 years old, yet customers still say it looks and feels brand new. That's the quality of our workmanship and the materials. When you step into a Norwegian Log building you're stepping into a feeling and just like our buildings it's one that will last.

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